
About Us Album Collective

This page is all about Pinoy Rap Music Collection in the Philippines your Pinoy Rap Music Library. We listed it all here, Both Main Stream Music and Underground - Indiependent MixTape albums.

Pinoy Rap Collective is like a Discography of Artist Albums. you can easy Search, Songs, Artists, Label, Images and Sample Audio and Stuff.

If you are an independent artist list your Mixtape album now! Be recognized and counted. Msg us at the FaceBook page.

Features: Front Cover, CD, Tape images, and Images. Media download will depend if albums are free.

You are free to rate, and comment and tell us what you think on the album.

If you are tired of looking for a digital copy feel free to message us.


All images are owned by respective owners, all are images used were used with consent. Audio Download is Prohibited. except otherwise permitted.  

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